

with Angelic Support

5-Day Experience

Enhancing Self-Love with Angelic Support

5-Day Experience

This offer is now closed. Sign up here to be on the waiting list for our next program.

Are you tired of feeling like you are not enough?
Tap into the love within...with the help of the angels!

Take advantage of the FREE

Enhancing Self-Love with Angelic Support

5-Day Experience

The time is NOW to release and heal the unconscious stories and beliefs that are keeping you feeling stuck in unworthiness, self-sabotage, and emptiness!

You don’t have to do it alone!

The FREE Enhancing Self-Love with Angelic Support 5-Day Experience is designed to illuminate unconscious beliefs that are keeping you from loving yourself, and are blocking you from receiving all that is available to you, with the help, guidance and support of the angels.

Self-love is an issue that I have been working on with my angels recently, and have noticed a common thread with my clients as well.  Lack of self-love can appear as obvious self-loathing, but it can also be insidious and stealthy, blocking and sabotaging our relationships and professional goals without our realizing it. 

This FREE 5 Day Experience will help you to see the ways that a lack of self-love has been impacting your life, and also give you simple tools to begin breaking those patterns and help you to open up to receive love and abundance in your life with the help of the angels.

The Enhancing Self-Love with Angelic Support 5-Day Experience 
is for YOU, if:

  • You are truly ready to uncover the old patterns and beliefs that tell you you're unworthy, undeserving and unlovable. (We all have some of these. The choice is always ours whether to keep listening to them, or to try a new way.)
  • You are ready to make some changes, so you can live a life of love, abundance, and happiness. (You deserve all that and more, my friend.)
  • You want to connect with a group of soul-aligned people who are on a similar path of healing. (It feels good to know we’re not alone.)
  • You are ready and committed to putting yourself first for 5 days. (Saying yes to yourself is a sacred gift to your soul.)
  • You are not sure how the angels can help, but are curious to see what can happen. (This is the perfect time to give it a try, especially when it is FREE!)

If you are jumping up and down shouting “YES!!! I am ready!” then the ​

Enhancing Self-Love with Angelic Support 
5 Day Experience
 is for YOU.

Your 5-Day Experience includes:

  • Daily lessons delivered to your email
  • Daily Facebook Live calls for discussion and Q&A in our private Facebook Group
  • Daily Sound Healing Meditations to support the lessons, 15 minutes each, delivered to your email
  • Homework to apply lessons to your life
  • Journal prompts to help you go deeper
  • Support, encouragement, inspiration and feedback from Kris, daily in private Facebook Group

Supportive private Facebook group to:

  • Access LIVE check-ins within the Facebook group 
  • Connect with others like you who are on a similar path.
  • Support each other every step.
  • Receive guidance and encouragement throughout our 5 days together.
  • Share your homework, post questions and receive feedback.

The Archangels are always supporting us, we just have to be present!

I love Kris’s Archangel Immersion Course! I was so excited to experience each Archangel in a way I could relate to how they are always present in my life.

I was doing an elderly client’s hair for a coworker and she got really upset when she realized Kim wasn’t there, and made a bit of a scene. I wanted to send her home when I heard AA Michael say ‘you have a choice, you can go higher and show compassion to her and everyone watching’. I chose to be kind and patient and by the time she left she was grateful for me and I for her!

I LOVE the meditations! This course has what you need to gain clarity and awareness in connecting with the Archangels and understanding how to experience more, no matter your understanding! The Meditations are Beautiful!

My biggest take-away is knowing that the Archangels are always supporting us, we just have to be present!

Judy James ... St. Louis, MO

Step out and let Spirit in. You will be forever changed in a good way!

My experience was exactly what I needed at the right time. It was so very helpful, comforting and genuine! It has impacted my life by deepening my love for the angels, knowing that angels are all around us, and they are wanting to be part of our everyday lives and involved in all that we do. I'm grateful for Kris's patience, kindness and gentleness. I appreciate her genuine LOVE for guiding us every step of the way during this course, too! Take it. Step out in faith. Step out and let Spirit in. You will be forever changed in a good way, after taking this class.

Tricia D. ... Gainesville, GA

Listen to the beautiful meditations everyday. They are so powerful!

I appreciated the sound healing meditations in this course, very calming. I loved learning more about the Archangels and knowing I was connected each week to one of them. I noticed my dreams became much more vivid, and filled with messages. I learned that I can connect with the Archangels, and have experiences with each one.

Take the time to listen to the beautiful meditations everyday. They are so powerful!

Susan Johnson ... Minneapolis, MN

A great reminder of how the angels want to work with us

Kris, I really enjoyed the way the course was set up and the platform was easy to navigate. Your sound healing meditations really made the connection a very gentle experience. I could really feel the Divine inspiration with which your course was created. You are a gifted teacher and guide.

I feel that the course was such a great reminder of how the angels want to work with us. Each one is ready and waiting. Coming back into that vibrational resonance feels like home, and that was a huge gift for me. I really appreciated the sound healing connection to the angels that began the intro to each angel.

This course has supported me to build my relationship with the archangels. It helped me to deeply connect to a the space within that feels their loving energy.

Karen C. ... Chicago, IL

This course seriously changed my life!

My experience with the Archangel Immersion Course was life-changing! I participated in the workshop, weekly, and I saw results. I have created a bond with the Archangels, something that I am so grateful and didn't know was even possible. I have seen actual results in my personal life because of this and I am humbly blessed to meet someone like Kris Groth. Kris is patient, trusting, loving, kind, knowledgeable and intuitive! I couldn't have asked for a better mentor!

Working with Archangels encouraged me to embrace my gifts, especially the gift of serving. I saw the vision of owning a business, while earning an income and being of service. I was able to manifest this with the help of the Archangels! What a blessing! My biggest take-away from participating in this course has been to expand my awareness in order to experience more of the Archangels. If you do not show up, participate & give 110%, it is difficult to see all the magic and miracles that are right in front of you.

I appreciated the group sessions the most. I love interacting with different people and learning from each other. Our positivity and high energy within the group helped create more magic! If you haven't experienced any of Kris Groth's workshops, you are missing out on something so wonderful! I will never forget it and it seriously can change your life! Thank you so much!

Tricia D. ... Atlanta, GA

About Kris Groth

Kris Groth is a spiritual mentor, energy healer, angel enthusiast and bestselling author of Soul-iloquy: A Novel of Healing, Soul Connection & Passion, and Soul-iloquy Companion Journal: A Conversation With Your Soul, and co-author of 6 other books including 365 Days of Angel Prayers. She is passionate about helping people connect more deeply to their own truth, to promote healing and restore balance to the body, heart, mind and soul, and to live a soul-connected life. Kris serves clients around the world through her healing and spiritual mentoring sessions, including powerful custom guided sound healing meditations using crystal singing bowls.  

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